Hier finden Sie alles Wissenswerte über Themen wie Fahrradmitnahme, Abstellmöglichkeiten sowie Reparatur- und Verleihgeschäfte.

Here you find ever­y­thing you need to know about topics such as taking the bike
along, storage faci­li­ties, as well as repair service and places where you can borrow a

Take along a bike

Public trans­por­ta­tion of the VGN:
The city of Bayreuth belongs to the traffic asso­cia­tion of Nürn­berg. With few
excep­tions, bicy­cles can be taken along with all means of public trans­por­ta­tion of the VG.

Trains of the German railway
Many commuter trains are already equipped with multi-purpose compart­ments for
bicy­cles and cyclists. The bicycle symbol in the boar­ding areas show you the way to
the parking places for your bicycle.
As many bikes as possible are taken on board, but when space gets tight, safety
suffers, ther­e­fore a guarantee for bicy­cles to be taken on board is not given.

Bike & Ride in Bayreuth / bike parking possi­bi­li­ties
Central train station Bayreuth: 223 bicycle parking places

Lockers / baggage check­room
Central train station Bayreuth
Central bus station

Bicycle stores, rental and repair

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Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001