Fahrradtouren Bayreuth

Here you find lots of excellent bike tours in-and around Bayreuth.

Cycling ring Bayreuth

Leisure time fun for ever­yone: In June 2012, the Bayreuth cycling ring was opened. The cycling ring, with an inner and outer ring and its five large touring loops, can be disco­vered by cycling nume­rous combi­na­tions. You can quickly get from the city into the surroun­ding areas and back again, riding the various loops depen­ding on your mood. The asso­ciated cycling map is available at the Tourist-Infor­ma­tion Bayreuth. Here you will find more infor­ma­tion about the cycling ring and the map!

Cycling tours – far off routes

Main bicycle route

Along the Main bicycle route, from the begin­ning to the end, you can not only discover a one of kind beau­tiful country side but also a variety of urban land­scapes. Cozy beer gardens, tradi­tional wine taverns and excel­lent restau­rants, invite to culinary enjoy­ment. Cyclist friendly over­night accom­mo­da­tions along the Main bicycle route, offer accom­mo­da­tions with modern comfort and friendly service.
More infor­ma­tion

Castle route

The castle route (from Mann­heim to Prag) is one of the most famous and oldest tourist routes of Germany. The diver­si­fied route crosses France from southwest to northeast — from Rothen­burg on the Tauber through Ansbach, Roth, Nürn­berg, Bamberg, Coburg, Kronach, Kulm­bach and Bayreuth.
Nume­rous historic stone witnesses along the route have outlasted centu­ries and convey until today impres­sions of the life in diffe­rent epochs. 90 castles and palaces or magni­fi­cent resi­dences await to be disco­vered by you here.

Bicycle route of the “Saxony-Bava­rian cities network”

On the bicycle route “Saxony ‑Bava­rian cities network” cyclists can explore the five cities and their surroun­ding region. There are four stages, between 41 and 75 kilo­me­ters in length, which take you through the cities of the urban main connec­tions but also through lovely country side away from major traffic routes. Make your own picture of the country and its people in a historic and vibrant region.
Bicycle tours through Upper Fran­conia The future of the upper Fran­conia forum, offers a number of theme bicycle roads through Upper Fran­conia, inclu­ding special offers for moun­tain bikers. One of the high­lights: this theme tour connects, on a distance of 125 km and with a 1.000
meters alti­tude, six thermal baths, among them the Lohen­grin thermal bath, the thermal bath Obern­sees, as well as the baths in Bad Staf­fel­stein, Bad Rodach, Bad Steben and Bad Colberg.

Tour sugges­tions around Bayreuth

You can get an all over view of acti­vi­ties and offers, as well as a variety of
infor­ma­tion on the subject of bicy­cles on the internet pages of the general German bicycle clubs, district asso­cia­tion Bayreuth. There you will find the city map for cyclists, touring sugges­tions for in- and around Bayreuth, also service offers for cyclists, as well as addi­tional infor­ma­tion worth knowing, plus nume­rous prac­tical hints.

For groups of cyclists we also offer guided tours with the bicycle.
If inte­rested contact our
Opern­straße 22
95444 Bayreuth
Tel:. +49 921 885–88

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