Stadt- und Erlebnisführung mit Wilhelmine

The Wagner city is perfect for a day trip at the weekend. You can find some ideas and suggestions for your stay here!

The morning: Bayreuth’s city centre

A guided city tour will provide you with an intro­duc­tion to the city and its history. There is a variety of guided tours to choose from. In addi­tion to a guided tour led by Margra­vine Wilhel­mine herself, you can opt between cultural, musical or culinary tours. To take part in a themed tour, it is important that you register in advance with the Tourist Infor­ma­tion Office. The meeting point for these tours is the Tourist Infor­ma­tion Office, where you can also obtain further information. 

After the guided tour, we recom­mend that you stop off at one of the many Fran­co­nian inns for a midday snack. Here, you are spoilt for choice. In addi­tion to “Oskar” directly on the market square, the “Eule”, “Manns Bräu” or “Wolf­fenz­a­cher” are also popular places to sample Fran­co­nian cuisine. Of course, there are other alter­na­tives on Bayreu­th’s market square, ranging from Asian to vege­ta­rian and vegan restaurants.

The after­noon: From the opera house to the “Green Hill”

Well refreshed, your weekend excur­sion will now take you to the Margra­vial Opera House, which has been a UNESCO World Cultural Heri­tage Site since 2012. Take a guided tour and marvel at the impres­sive inte­rior design of the opera house. Concerts and perfor­mances still take place regu­larly in Margra­vine Wilhelmine’s venue. It is worth atten­ding a concert to appre­ciate the building’s acoustics.

Markgräfliches Opernhaus
Inte­rior of the Margra­vial Opera House © Loic Lagarde

More into Richard Wagner than Baroque and Rococo? Then allow us to guide you through his famous Fest­spiel­haus (Festival Theatre) and learn about the special features of this buil­ding. Guided tours take place there daily from September to April. After­wards, immerse yourself in the life of the Wagner family during a visit to the Richard Wagner Museum, located in the fami­ly’s former home, House Wahn­fried. After­wards, you can round off the day with an enjoyable dinner. 

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