What is playing in Bayreuth? Bayreuth`s small and large stages offer events all year long. Festivals, markets, exhibits, sport- and dancing events, theater or Opera.

Bayreuther Sommernachtsfest
The annual summer night festival will take place on 27 July 2024. The Bayreuth Marketing & Tourism GmbH is glad to welcome you!
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Bayreuther Volksfest
Look forward to large offers of culinary specialties, with langos, burger and Franconian food, while enjoying a diversified music programme.
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Bayreuther Bürgerfest
Celebrate an entire weekend downtown Bayreuth? You can do this from 5 July to 7 July 2024. At the Bayreuth citizens festival, the streets are in an unusual festival state!
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Wine festival
The next wine festival on the Bayreuth market square will take place from 3rd - 7th August 2023.
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Relaxed shopping at Christmas time! With late night shopping downtown Bayreuth until 11 PM.
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Sparda Bank Classic Open Air
The Sparda Bank Klassik Open Air, a free concert series featuring renowned symphony orchestras will take place in Bayreuth´s historic city centre.
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More festivals
Here you find information about the auto show, the spring festival, the four great days and the children`s festival on the market place.
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