Bayreuth für Geniesser
Bayreuth for foodies

Culinary high­lights in Bayreuth — Franconia’s culture und culinary centre

Bayreuth has both the regional cuisine of the typical Bayreuth estab­lish­ments and the modern brewery and fine-dining-cuisine of the 21st century to thank for its status as a Fran­co­nian culinary centre. Fran­co­nian clas­sics are combined with Medi­ter­ra­nean and Asian elements to create outstan­ding culinary experiences.

The margraves already culti­vated an exclu­sive dining culture in Bayreuth. Their dishes were refined with spices and ingre­di­ents from all parts of the world known at the time. In the 19th century, this tradi­tion was continued by Richard Wagner himself, along with his inter­na­tional visi­tors.
Nowa­days, it can be said that there is probably no other city in Fran­conia that can offer a wider range of culinary delights than Bayreuth. 

Upper Franconia’s specialities 

Whether in the city itself or in the surroun­ding area, connois­seurs of inter­na­tional and Fran­co­nian cuisine can be assured that they will find a suitable restau­rant nearby. If you want to learn more about the produc­tion of Fran­co­nian beer specia­li­ties or choco­late, we offer special themed tours. 

Genussorte in Bayreuth

Restau­rants in and around Bayreuth 

Bayreuth’s restau­rants have become more inter­na­tional. Along­side good Fran­co­nian cuisine, many inter­na­tional dishes can also be found on the menus.

Culinary people and places

Bayreuth has a long history of gour­mets from times past who appre­ciated the specia­li­ties of its cuisine and its beer. There are also nume­rous chro­nicled reports about special culinary loca­tions in Bayreuth.

Genussorte und Genussmenschen

Fried­rich Nietzsche 

Some­time or other we will all be sitting toge­ther in Bayreuth and asking ourselves how we were able to bear being anywhere else.

Bayreuther Bierkutscher

Culinary guided tours 

In Bayreuth you can find a wide range of guided tours and walking tours centred around culinary specia­li­ties and Fran­co­nian treats. During the tours you will learn about the produc­tion processes and regional customs. From beer to choco­late, there is a tour to suit young and old alike.

We offer the follo­wing tours:

Gourmet packages und combi-tickets

A short holiday enti­rely devoted to Upper Fran­co­nian cuisine is just the thing for gour­mets. In the “Genuss­re­gion” in the area surroun­ding Bayreuth, hotels as well as some museums offer exci­ting packages and combi­na­tion tickets.

We offer the follo­wing packages:

Besucher in der Biererlebniswelt

Jean Paul

Thank God that you – like me – do not live in Saxony or in the Saxon Vogt­land, but in Bayreuth, closest to the best beer – Cham­pagne beer.

Bier Zapfhahn

Beer tradi­tion in Bayreuth 

Bayreuth is also setting new stan­dards when it comes to contem­po­rary beer culture: Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt (Beer Expe­ri­ence World) is the world’s largest beer museum accor­ding to the Guin­ness Book of Records, and the modern “Liebes­bier” brewery offers over 120 types of beer to be tasted! Annual beer festi­vals such as “Kirch­weihen” (church fairs) or “Bock­bier­an­stiche” (beer tastings) are the most important dates in the Fran­co­nian calendar. Guests can expe­ri­ence still more beer culture in histo­rical loca­tions and on special beer walking tours through Bier­franken (

Bayreuth can look back on a long brewing tradi­tion. In 1884, Bayreuth was home to no fewer than 74 brewe­ries. Today, Mais­el’s Weisse, brewed in Bayreuth, is one of the most popular wheat beers in Germany. Around 200 brewe­ries throug­hout the region produce a total of over 1,000 diffe­rent types of beer.

From “Pils” and “Märzen” beer to a wide variety of wheat beers and the special “Rauch­bier” (smoked beer), Upper Fran­conia holds the world record for the highest density of brewe­ries in terms of population.

Even Jean Paul was convinced by Bayreuth’s beer: “I am stran­gely healthy. Thanks to Bayreuth’s beer …”

Also inte­rested in convin­cing yourself of the “healing” effect of Bayreuth beer? Then sign up for one of the various beer tasting options offered by Bayreuth’s brewe­ries: In addi­tion to the Maisel ´s Bier­er­leb­nis­welt, which has a wealth of diffe­rent beer tastings on offer, there is also a BräuBrüder (brew brother) joint brew every month – a colla­bo­ra­tion between Mann’s Bräu and Becher Bräu. Inter­na­tional beer styles are brewed and inter­preted with a Fran­co­nian twist. This way, you can get to know and appre­ciate Bayreu­th’s beer delights directly on site.

The city also lies on the Beer and Castle Route, which connects nume­rous places with a long brewing tradi­tion from Thuringia to Passau.

Bayreuth in the “Genuss­re­gion”

Tradi­tion, and a closeness to culture and nature are reflected in Upper Fran­co­nian gastro­nomy with all of its deli­cious specia­li­ties. Here, visi­tors can expe­ri­ence the diver­sity of regio­nally produced food.

In terms of popu­la­tion, the “Genuss­re­gion Ober­franken” has the most bake­ries and confec­tioners, the most butchers and the most brewe­ries in the world. Many are still tradi­tio­nally run as family busi­nesses. Products origi­na­ting from the Nurem­berg Metro­po­litan Region are marked with the “Original Regional” logo. They contri­bute to supporting the local (agri­cul­tural) economy and envi­ron­mental protection.

As with beer, Fran­conia also has nume­rous regu­la­tions for the correct prepa­ra­tion of sausages. The Bayreuth brat­wurst, for example, is finger-thick, about 20 centi­me­tres long, very fine, low in salt and compa­ra­tively low in fat, and is always served with mustard and in pairs (at a minimum).

Other tradi­tional specia­li­ties such as “Blaue Zipfel”, “Stadt­wurst mit Musik” (cold meat mari­nated in oil, vinegar and onions) or “Press­sack” (cold meat jelly), which was highly appre­ciated by the poet Jean Paul, can be savoured by foodies in the tradi­tional inns and lovingly reno­vated historic restau­rants in and around Bayreuth.

Bayreuther Bratwürste auf dem Grill


Franconian “Brotzeit” (bread with cold meat)

in an inn


Kerwa Küchla (fried cakes)

with icing sugar


Ziebalakäs (curd cheese with chives)

with farmhouse bread




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001