Feiernde (c) Polina Tankilevitch

The city of Bayreuth is welcoming and open-minded, and thanks to the Richard Wagner Festival, it has long since been a meeting place for the LGBTQ community.

The LGBTQ commu­nity is very welcome in Bayreuth!

Not just since LGBTQ has been on ever­yo­ne’s lips in connec­tion with the fight for sexual equa­lity and against discri­mi­na­tion, but for close to 150 years now, Bayreuth has been reco­g­nised as a popular desti­na­tion for people of diffe­rent sexual orien­ta­tions from all over the world, espe­ci­ally in connec­tion with Richard Wagner’s work and the Bayreuth Festival.

Bayreuth is not Barce­lona or Tel Aviv — but tole­rance towards people who do not conform to the once common hete­ro­se­xual stereo­type has a long tradi­tion here. Without going into detail on Alex­ander von Humboldt, who was after all a resi­dent of Bayreuth for four years, many artists and musi­cians estab­lished Bayreu­th’s repu­ta­tion as a tole­rant city towards the end of the 19th century, and direc­tors such as Patrice Chereau in the 1970s or Barry Kosky continue to do so in our own time.

Even today, Bayreuth is a meeting place for the LGBTQ commu­nity. Unique sights, palaces and parks such as the Hermi­tage, Fantaisie and Sans­pa­reil, or the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival in the UNESCO World Cultural Heri­tage Site, the Margra­vial Opera House with world stars of baroque music every September, are wonderful reasons to get to know Bayreuth better. Bayreu­th’s hotel industry and excel­lent gastro­nomy will treat the LGBTQ commu­nity to the best of comfort, excel­lent cuisine, Fran­co­nian beer variety and Fran­co­nian wines. 

In keeping with this, an assort­ment of diffe­rent rainbow souve­nirs such as mugs, pins or lanyards is available in the Bayreuth Shop located at 22 Opernstraße.

Our 2nd Mayor, Andreas Zippel, also extends a warm welcome to the LGBTQ community: 

Bayreuth is colourful and queer life is a matter of course — this is some­thing I perso­nally expe­ri­ence on a daily basis. A plea­santly relaxed city centre, fanta­stic cultural offe­rings for ever­yone, deli­cious Fran­co­nian food and fanta­stic natural land­scapes in the surroun­ding area. No matter whether you want to explore the city, enjoy events or work off your energy in your free time: Whoever you want to take by the hand, just do it and enjoy our beau­tiful Bayreuth without any concerns!

Andreas Zippel, 2nd Mayor of Bayreuth © matchinglightphotography

We look forward to welco­ming you at our events and wish you a great time in the city.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001