Mais­el’s Beer Expe­ri­ence World & Bayreuth´s Catacombs

Liebesbier in der Maisles Biererlebniswelt

Over 4,500 m² to experience Bayreuth craft brewing at its finest! Brauerei Gebr. Maisel’s historic main building is home to experience the world of beer – the “Bier-Erlebnis-Welt” – with all your senses as you gain insight into the traditional Franconian art of brewing.

Maisel’s Beer Expe­ri­ence World

Over 4,500 m² to expe­ri­ence Bayreuth craft brewing at its finest!

Visi­tors to Maisel’s Bier-Erlebnis-Welt (Mais­el’s Beer Expe­ri­ence World) get to see what makes craft brewing so fasci­na­ting: Brauerei Gebr. Maisel’s historic main buil­ding is home to this 4,500 qm gem where you can expe­ri­ence the world of beer – the “Bier-Erlebnis-Welt” – with all your senses as you gain insight into the tradi­tional Fran­co­nian art of brewing. 

Learn why Upper Fran­conia is called the “Bier- und Genuss­re­gion Ober­franken”, for its specialty beers and culinary delights. The Bier-Erlebnis-Welt brings toge­ther the tradi­tion of Fran­co­nian beer culture and state-of-the-art brewing Tech­no­logy, histo­rical buil­dings and modern flair as well as lots of fasci­na­ting infor­ma­tion and plenty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to expe­ri­ence and enjoy beer.

The Braue­rei­mu­seum (brewery museum) with its historic brick facade provides insight into the history of brewing culture. Ever­y­thing still works as if the brewers and coopers had just taken their lunch break: the machine house, brew­house, hops room and coolships.

The Maisel’s Braue­rei­mu­seum already earned a spot in the Guin­ness Book of Records in 1988 for being the most diverse beer museum. Other high­lights include two large cabinet vaults show­ca­sing over 5,500 beer glasses and mugs, the 400 rare enamel signs from diffe­rent brewe­ries and beer-brands as well as an impres­sive coll­ec­tion of coasters.

For general infor­ma­tion and to make reser­va­tions, visit the website of Maisel & Friends.

Bayreuth’s Cata­combs

Gang in den Bayreuther Katakomben

Visi­tors to the Bayreuth Cata­combs can expe­ri­ence a beer tour of a special kind. Via a stair­case you descend into the fasci­na­ting world of the rock cellars.

The adven­ture tour gives visi­tors a fasci­na­ting insight into Bayreu­th’s city and beer history and into the versa­tile use of the cellar faci­li­ties in past centuries.

These corri­dors, probably driven into the sand­stone between the 16th and 19th centu­ries, offer the charm of an almost endless tomb. It’s creepy here. Incre­dibly exci­ting and also bizarre.

You can admire a mixture of brewing history and cultural history of the city of Bayreuth during the Second World War. The passages of the Bayreuth cata­combs were initi­ally created by mining ore, were later extended and then mainly served as storage. Due to the constantly cool tempe­ra­tures, the cellars were of course the best place to store the first-class Bayreuth beers in the late 19th century.

During wartime, however, the faci­li­ties were also used as protec­tion and escape faci­li­ties. During the bombing attacks on Bayreuth during the Second World War in April 1945, the popu­la­tion with­drew to the cata­combs and lived there as a cellar commu­nity in oppres­sive, terribly cramped conditions.

During this long period of time, some bizarre events occurred, which the expe­ri­enced tour guides like to tell their guests and thus give them an insight into the under­ground realm with its special charm and myste­rious atmosphere.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001