Margravine Wilhelmine of Bayreuth, sister of Frederick the Great, together with her husband margrave Frederick, shaped Bayreuth in only two decades into a European residence city.

In Bayreuth are many histo­rical buil­dings, gardens and testi­mo­nies of the 18th century margra­viate time. The margrave culture which emerged from the history of the margra­viate Bran­den­burg – Bayreuth is forma­tive for the region and unpar­al­leled for all of North Bavaria.

Sitzende Statue der Markgräfin Wilhelmine auf einer Parkbank in Bayreuth

Margra­vine Wilhelmine

Margravine Wilhelmine greatly influenced Bayreuth. Without her achievements, Bayreuth would not be the cultural and musical metropolis it is today.

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Markgräfliches Opernhaus

Margra­vial Opera House

The Margravial Opera House Bayreuth, a world heritage site since 2012, is one of the most beautiful baroque theaters of the world.

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Eremitage Orangerie

The Hermi­tage — Bayreu­th’s most impres­sive park complex

At the doors of Bayreuth is the Eremitage, with historical parks from the 18th century and the old palace with fountains and water attractions and the orangery.

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Neues Schloss am Hofgarten

New Palace and Park

Visiting the new palace from the 18th century, also because of its adjacent romantic park, visitors experience design perfection of Margravial culture.

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Schloss Fantaisie © Thomas Köhler

Palace Fantaisie

The palace Fantaisie built in 1761 to 1763 is the first horticulture museum. Exhibitions, display items, presentations and short films, show the history of horticulture vividly. Worth seeing is also the true to the original copy of the famous inlay cabinet of the...

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Der Morgenländische Bau im Felsengarten Sanspareil Frontalansicht mit gelbem Blumenbeet


In 1749 margravine Wilhelmine wrote: “here nature itself was the architect” It was said, that the name of the rock garden came from an exclamation of a visitor: C`est sans pareil! (This is unequaled)

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Ordenskirche in St.Georgen © Bayreuth Marketing & Tourismus GmbH

St. Georgen

The district of St. Georgen has grown historically and was originally a baroque city. The basic structures are still recognizable and give the district urbanity and a quality of stay.

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Stadtkirche neu © Stadtkirche 2015

The Margra­vial Churches

Eternity so close: The beautiful margrave churches in- and around Bayreuth.

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Schloss Birken © Andreas Harbach

Birken Palace & Colm­dorf Palace

Visit Birken Palace and Colmdorf Palace in Bayreuth.

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Aperol Spritz© MeikeKratzer

Bayreuth for Ladies

Get to know Bayreuth as the city of “strong” women and have a good time here with your girlfriends.

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Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001