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Weitere Infor­ma­tionen

View from the tourist infor­ma­tion center right into the heart of the Wagner city Bayreuth

The tourist infor­ma­tion office is located directly at the Canale Grande, the begin­ning of Bayreu­th’s pede­strian zone. From this perspec­tive the webcam captures special sights of the city.

The Iwalewa House can be seen on the far left of the image. The house is pursuing the educa­tional mandate of rese­ar­ching and docu­men­ting the cultures of Africa. You can listen to lectures and visit exci­ting exhi­bi­tions during your stay in one of the confe­rence rooms.

The Redou­ten­haus is located next to the Iwale­wa­haus. Curr­ently under cons­truc­tion, the new Opera House Museum will soon move into this buil­ding as soon as reno­va­tions are over. An exhi­bi­tion about the crea­tion and use of the Margra­vial Opera House will then await it’s visitors. 

The Margra­vial Opera House,which has been a UNESCO World Heri­tage Site since 2012, is located right next to the Redou­ten­haus. The opera house is among of the most beau­tiful baroque thea­ters in the world. We highly recom­mend a guided tour through the historic buil­ding to immerse yourself in the exci­ting world of the margraves in Bayreuth.

Oppo­site the opera house you’ll find the Wittels­ba­cher foun­tain and the castle church, a church from the time of the margraves.

The adja­cent pede­strian zone in Bayreuth invites all visi­tors to a relaxed shop­ping expe­ri­ence. A variety of shops from Opern­strasse to Maxi­mi­li­an­strasse are waiting for your visit! 

Webcam Rathaus

View from the town hall towards the city center

The town hall in Bayreuth is located in the heart of the Wagner city. From Luit­pold­platz one can see various sights of the city via webcam. In the middle of the live image is the castle tower of one of the catholic margrave churches. Church concerts take place regu­larly in the castle church and are defi­ni­tely worth a visit. A little further to the left you can see the Margra­vial Opera House. The figures on the roof of the buil­ding serve as orien­ta­tion points. In the back­ground of the webcam section you can see a green area. This is the Hofgarten/ Cour­tyard garden with the New Palace as its entrance. This little park is very popular among locals as well as tourists. Whether for lunch or simple to escape the hustle and bustle of the city center, a visit is always worth it. 

Webcam Sophienberg

View from Sophien­berg over Bayreuth

The little moun­tain called Sophien­berg is located south of the city of Bayreuth in the muni­ci­pa­lity of Haag. With a height of 594 meters, it offers a breath­ta­king view over the Wagner city and its surroun­dings. The webcam captures this wonderful view for you at any time. The nature around Bayreuth is also very popular among hikers, cyclists or nature lovers. Several cycling and hiking trails offer great possi­bi­li­ties for a weekend trip.




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