UNESCO World Heritage site Margravial Opera House

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More Infor­ma­tion

The Margra­vial Opera House is the best-preserved example of a free­stan­ding Baroque court theatre. Built between 1744 and 1748, the model for the cons­truc­tion were the largest opera houses of the time, in Vienna and Dresden. As a unique monu­ment to the festival and musical culture of the 18th century, it has been on the UNESCO World Heri­tage List since 2012.

Infor­ma­tion for your visit

Markgräfliches Opernhaus

Opening hours

April-September: daily 9 am‑6 pm (last entrance: around 5.15pm)

October-December: daily 10 am‑5 pm (last entrance: around 4.15pm)

January-March: daily 10 am‑4 pm (last entrance: around 3.15pm)

The Margra­vial Opera House may be closed tempo­r­a­rily due to event rehear­sals, learn more.

Admis­sion fees

Margra­vial Opera House: World Heri­tage & Museum
10,- Euro regular · 9,- Euro reduced

Combi­na­tion ticket “New Palace + Margra­vial Opera House: World Heri­tage & Museum“
15,- Euro regular · 13,- Euro reduced

Combi­na­tion ticket »The World of Wilhel­mine«
(Opera House, New Palace, Old Palace Hermi­tage, Fantaisie Palace, Zwer­nitz Castle)
21,- Euro regular · 19,- Euro reduced


Tickets for your visit can be purchased directly at the Opera House’s box office. You can get there by ente­ring the buil­ding through the glass door with “Museum” written across it. You may also purchase your ticket online in advance.

How to get there

Opern­straße 16
95444 Bayreuth
Tel.: +49 921 7596922
Fax: +49 921 7596932

By bus:

Distance: ZOH- St. Johannis/ Birken/ Aichig
Line: 302, 304, 307,
Leave the bus at: Luit­pold­platz, Walking distance 1 minute


The Margra­vial Opera House does not have a perma­nent ensemble. Nevert­heless, concerts of diffe­rent styles and venues take place throug­hout the year (usually between May and October) amid the fairy­tale opera backdrop.

More infor­ma­tion about the Margra­vial Opera House

The history of the house

Margra­vine Wilhel­mine of Bran­den­burg-Bayreuth (1709–1758) was an avid music and theatre lover. The theatre was built for the lavish festi­vi­ties surroun­ding the wedding of her daughter, the Bayreuth prin­cess Elisa­beth Frie­de­ricke Sophie and duke Carl Eugen of Würt­em­berg in September 1748.

About the architecture

The margra­vial opera house is modelled after Italian lodge thea­ters of that period. The fully preserved tiers of the lodges made prima­rily of wood and canvas, are installed as a free stan­ding cons­truc­tion within the stone exterior.

The inte­rior of the theater was cons­tructed in record time with some of the wooden archi­tec­tural elements and sculp­tures prefa­bri­cated and painted else­where. Thus a master­piece of ephemeral festival archi­tec­ture was completed from 1744 to 1748 in under four years.

The archi­tect appointed to design the new opera house was the leading archi­tect for thea­tres of the day, Giuseppe Galli Bibiena, an Italian who had been working for the Vien­nese Impe­rial court. His son Carlo Galli Bibiena was respon­sible for the project in Bayreuth and he remained at the court until the death of the margra­vine, crea­ting nume­rous stage designs and festival decorations.

The museum

In the adjoi­ning former comedy and redouten house, from April 2023 on, elabo­ra­tely desi­gned exhi­bi­tion spaces pres­ents fasci­na­ting insights about the Bayreuth Baroque theatre as well as about baroque theatre prac­tice on and behind the stage.

Nume­rous inter­ac­tive stations, models and origi­nals immerse you in the history of the UNESCO World Heri­tage Site and the exci­ting music and theatre land­scape of the 18th century.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001