Neues Schloss am Hofgarten

Visiting the New Palace from the 18th century, also known because of its adjacent romantic park, visitors experience design perfection of Margravial culture.

After the old palace burned down, the new town resi­dence for margrave Fried­rich von Bran­den­burg-Bayreuth was begun to build by Joseph Saint-Pierre in 1753. Margra­vine Wilhel­mine had considerable influence on its final form, desig­ning some of the rooms herself, inclu­ding the cabinet of frag­mented mirrors and the old music room with its pastel portraits of singers, actors and dancers. The Palm room, with its outstan­ding walnut paneling is a typical example of the Rococo style in Bayreuth. On the first floor is the exhi­bi­tion “Chival­rous minia­tures – Dr. Löer Collection”.

On the ground floor of the new palace, today the museums “Margra­vine Wilhelmine‘s Bayreuth” and Bayreuth Faience – Rummel coll­ec­tion is seen with outstan­ding items of the Bayreuth manu­fac­turer. The faience coll­ec­tion covers the whole period of produc­tion from its begin­nings until 1788. The Gallery rooms (Branch of the Bava­rian State Galle­ries), contain Dutch and German pain­tings from the 18th century. The rooms of the small but remar­kable Italian Palace are an impres­sive example of the “Bayreuth Rococo” style in its later mani­fes­ta­tions, with its typical features such as flower tendrils, trellis rooms and grottos.

After the new palace was built, the garden, which had been margra­vial property since the end of the 16th century, was rede­si­gned and extended: south of the pall mall alley, dating from 1679 which was included in the new garden, Frie­de­rich and Wilhel­mine von Bran­den­burg-Bayreuth, added avenues, hedge gardens, pergolas and parterres. The central axis was a canal with a right angled bend and four islands.

At the end of the 18th century, the court garden was trans­formed into an English style park with winding paths and natural placed trees. However the basic features of the geome­tric garden can still be seen: the park is domi­nated by the canal and the three main avenues and in 1990 the parterre, in front of the south wing was also reconstructed.




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