Weekend getaway in Bayreuth: experience culture & nature!

Fancy a quick weekend getaway?

Bayreuth is an ideal desti­na­tion for an inte­res­ting and rela­xing weekend getaway.

The Richard Wagner Festival and the UNESCO World Heri­tage Margra­vial Opera House are the high­lights of the city, but the city also knows how to impress beyond that. Discover how Bayreuth combines history and moder­nity and why the city is a top address for a city trip.

Markgräfliches Opernhaus

Expe­ri­ence culture

In addi­tion to Richard Wagner’s Fest­spiel­haus and the UNESCO World Heri­tage Margra­vial Opera House, Bayreuth offers you a unique mix of castles, parks and more.

Sommernachtsfest 2018 © Harbach

Cele­brate in style

There are events on Bayreu­th’s stages all year round. Whether festi­vals, markets, exhi­bi­tions, sports or dance events, theater or opera. Chances are, you will be pleased.

Shoppen in Bayreuth

Relaxed shop­ping

With its picturesque pede­strian zone, Bayreuth is a popular excur­sion desti­na­tion throug­hout Bavaria. Expe­ri­ence shop­ping up close and enjoy it stress-free.

Genussregion Oberfranken

Culinary delights

Immerse yourself in Bayreu­th’s world of enjoy­ment and its culinary past and present. Learn more about the tradi­tions and taste all the Fran­co­nian specialties.

Recom­men­da­tions for your weekend getaway in Bayreuth

Discover our nume­rous sugges­tions and insider tips for a short trip to the city of Wagner. Be inspired by our recom­men­da­tions for a stopover or a two, three or four-day stay in Bayreuth.

Wandern in der Fränkischen Schweiz © TZ Fränkische Schweiz

Refresh­ments during walks, cycling and hiking tours

Walking in Bayreuth is hard to beat for variety. A multi­tude of parks and forests invite you to take a leisu­rely stroll and now nothing stands in the way of an ice cream sundae or two!

And when hiking and cycling through Bayreuth and the surroun­ding area, you will find a multi­tude of idyllic valleys, castles and moun­tains with outstan­ding beer gardens!

Enjoy the soot­hing nature in and around Bayreuth

The Hermi­tage

At the doors of Bayreuth is the Hermi­tage, with histo­rical parks from the 18th century and the old palace with foun­tains and water attrac­tions and the orangery.


Wilhe­mi­ne­naue Park

The new park Wilhel­mi­ne­naue offers rela­xa­tion and sport possi­bi­li­ties, for younger as well as older visi­tors to expe­ri­ence nature and with rare plants and animals.

Der Morgenländische Bau im Felsengarten Sanspareil Frontalansicht mit gelbem Blumenbeet


It was said, that the name of the rock garden came from an excla­ma­tion of a visitor: C‘est sans pareil! (This is unequaled). Enjoy the fanta­stic rock garden with and castle Zwernitz.

Das Paradies im Süden der Stadt © Ökologisch Botanischer Garten

Bota­nical Garden

This one of a kind garden takes you on a bota­nical journey through the whole world in just a few hours! Expe­ri­ence around 12.000 species of plants in natural habi­tats on 16 hectares.

Our package deals for your weekend getaway

Save time and money! The Bayreuth Tourist Infor­ma­tion will create a perso­na­lized offer for your stay in Bayreuth with:

Addi­tional exten­sions can be requested as an option. We will then put toge­ther a perso­na­lized offer.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001